
Friday, October 9, 2015

A Bit of Reading and a New Purse

There will never, ever be another purse like this one - at least not in my future.  I'm afraid I bit off a bit more than I could comfortably chew with this design. Recessed zipper, curved bottom, curved top, internal zippered pocket - simply too many elements in one bag. If I'd only made the top perfectly straight across everything would have been fine. It was that curve along the zipper line that threw the lining off and made me crazy.

I like lots of pocket in my bags. This one has a nice, large one on the outside, plus three smaller pockets and that zippered one on the inside. 

See that upward curve at the outside edges where the lining meets the black zipper. Essential, but such a pain,

A peek at the inside lining under construction.

I've read two excellent historical fiction books during the past two weeks, and I'm just getting into another. I'd been on a waiting list at the library for all three, and they all arrived at once. Three war stories in a row, but each one so very good! I've enjoyed the gift of several lovely late nights curled up in my reading chair followed by more than one sleepy morning. 

The Latest Reading: 

"The Nightingale" by Kristin Hannah.  This was set France during the WWII occupation by Germany. Like "The Winter Garden' by the same author, it's a story of two sisters separated by age, temperament, and a broken family. In "The Nightingale", the older sister's husband is a French soldier, and she is trying to keep her daughter and herself safe and alive during the occupation.  The younger sister joins the French Resistance and takes enormous risks to defy the Nazis.

"Orhan's Inheritance" by Aline Ohanesian. This is an account of the lesser known genocide - the murder of thousands of Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire during WWI. This year is the 100th anniversary of that event. It's a beautifully written and very moving story that moves back and forth between the years of WWI and the 1990's.

"All the Light We Cannot See" by Anthony Doerr is the book I have just begun reading. So far, I've been very impressed with the author's wonderful use of language and the development of the two main characters, a blind French girl and a young German soldier.

We're enjoying another gorgeous 
autumn weekend on the prairie.

I hope your week is filled with beauty and wonder.

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