
Sunday, November 26, 2017

Thanksgiving Successes and a Disappointment

 Our Thanksgiving was almost perfect. The sun was shining, the weather was ideal, the catered food was delicious, and the cake for November birthdays was a success.
Thanksgiving dinner in my fridge on Wednesday morning. 

Sane fridge, Wednesday afternoon.
Yes, it was all lovely, except for one thing. My daughter was missing from our little gathering. She woke with a fever and stayed home with a virus and her two little dogs for company. It was such a nasty turn of events. We missed her terribly, but, fortunately, she had a four day weekend to recover.

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While I packed up leftovers to send home with everyone, the grandkids did the dishes and cleaned up my kitchen. Then we ate the cake and collapsed overstuffed. I sent my daughter this photo of the cake she'd missed and photos of her babies.

David, the college freshman

Sara, Tim, and Lemon

Friday was a day for napping, reading, and watching Netflix, but yesterday and today there has been time to do some sewing.

The place mats are coming along, slowly but surely. My work time is more limited than it was before my hubby's health setback, but he's improving, and I can steal an hour here and there to work.

There is much to be thankful for. We have a great little family, and I'm so proud of each of my children and grandchildren. We are truly blessed.

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