Tuesday, March 13, 2018

New Babies Everywhere!

Something wonderful is happening in my garden! Spring is really, truly arriving. 

This has been the longest, bleakest winter in my memory. I am so glad it's spring. I'm sure that with the warmer weather and all of the new life, my mood will start to lift. The babies help. Baby birds, baby rabbits, baby goats. Baby humans, too. I wish there were lots of babies in my own family, but it's too soon. My grandchildren are still in college. The time for our babies will come, but right now, there are plenty of other babies attracting my attention.

A young former coworker just had a baby girl. Another, even younger teacher friend is due almost any day now, and one of my dearest friends will have a new grandchild in a few weeks. There's a new baby a few doors down from my house and another a few blocks up the street.

My newest mug rug, "Carriage Ride" celebrates both spring and babies. Happy pinwheels, happy balloons, happy colors. I may use this for a baby shower gift. Then again, I just might choose to save it in my great-granny hope chest. It would be sweet used as a mug rug, and it would be lovely hanging on a nursery wall.

Monday, March 5, 2018

"The Girls". A New Pattern

It's been months since I've published a new pattern, but my house is quiet - too quiet, and I have more time than I ever wanted. I plan to fill much of that time with sewing. This week I finished working with the hens.  The bright colors and busy hens with button eyes make me smile every time I look at them.

"The Girls", Table Runner 11" x 29"
The baby chicks are fun, too. I hand embroidered their beaks and  legs.

I only used three hens in the table runner, but a templates for a fourth hen are included in the pattern.  I used that hen and one extra to make 9" blocks. I haven't decided what to do with them yet. They could go into a lap quilt. That might be fun. 

I can think of so many other ways to use the chickens. These two would be fun on a pillow. I reversed the templates for the chicken on the left for this project.

Or, all four could fit together on a wall hanging. As you can see, I played around quite a bit before settling on the table runner.

It's time to start thinking about a new idea to work on. A mug rug? A square table topper? A lap quilt? Something pieced?

It will officially be spring in less than three weeks! I am so looking forward to sunny skies, mild temperatures, and flowers in bloom.

Wishing you a wonderful week!